
Meetup #AperiTech della Community di Accessibility Days

In questo webinar Haydée Longo, avvocato e "Disability Manager", ci farà una panoramica della normativa sull'accessibilità che regolamenta lo sviluppo di software (app, siti web, skills per smart speaker, ...).

Il webinar è di particolare importanza per il fatto che sarà prorio una persona che professionalmente si occupa di questa materia a tenerlo, per cui ce ne parlerà con un livello di precisione e approfondimento difficilmente raggiungibile da sviluppatori che cercano di districarsi tra i meandri delle normative :)


Haydée Longo - Avvocato - Disability manager

Linkedin - Sito

Haydée Longo is a lawyer and disability manager based in Milan. She acts as legal advisor and consultant in relation to the rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities, as well as best practices concerning the management of persons with disabilities both at the workplace and in society. She is legal counsel and project manager for the Italian Association of Multiple Sclerosis. From an academic point of view, she collaborates with the University of Milan (Università degli Studi di Milano) as subject expert and assistant, where she lectures at the part-time master dedicated to disability rights and inclusion. After working for almost 8 years in a leading international law firm, she has recently founded her own professional activity specialized in the provision of legal assistance and management consultancy on disability matters. Her recent works also include collaborations with the Chamber of Deputies for the drafting of a parliamentary motion concerning women with disabilities and multiple discrimination issues, as well as with the Municipality of Milan on projects relating to accessibility issues of commercial establishments.

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    #AperiTech è un'iniziativa di Codemotion in collaborazione con LVenture Group e LUISS EnLabs