
Meetup #AperiTech della Community di Deep Learning Italia
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Il Meetup di DLI nasce dall'esigenza di sopperire alla carenza di meetup tecnici sul Deep Learning in Italia mentre ormai se ne contano molteplici in altre città del mondo come Londra, Amsterdam e San Francisco. Il Meetup sarà orientato sia alla ricerca accademica e che al mondo delle startup.

Emio Onorati post-doc UCL
Title: Quantum computing technologies: state of the art and near-term perspectives

Quantum computing is an emerging technology which has achieved significant milestones in the last few years. Being little more than a mere conceptual object not long time ago, it has been now physically realized in the form of multi-qubit processors capable of running quantum algorithms and of producing experimental evidence regarding their potential to surpass their classical counterpart. Notably, in addition to the scientific community, the industry sector has turned its attention to quantum computing, with tech giants such as Google and IBM joining the effort to develop fully functional quantum architectures.
In this talk we will discuss the state of the art and near-term outlook of the field, with a focus on the improvement of quantum processors and on the investigation for practical, ground-breaking applications leveraging this new technology, e.g. for secure communication and in the areas of material simulation and healthcare. We will also consider the current obstacles towards the realization of a large-scale quantum machine, in particular noise effects and decoherence, and strategies to mitigate or overcome them.

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