
Meetup #AperiTech della Community di Deep Learning Italia
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Deep Learning Italia” Online Conference.

Si affronteranno temi legati esclusivamente alla progettazione e implementazione di Reti Neurali e il Deep Learning nell'Intelligenza Artificiale di oggi.

Il Meetup di DLI nasce dall'esigenza di sopperire alla carenza di meetup tecnici sul Deep Learning in Italia mentre ormai se ne contano molteplici in altre città del mondo come Londra, Amsterdam e San Francisco. Il Meetup sarà orientato sia alla ricerca accademica e che al mondo delle startup.

Calogero Zarbo Deep Learning at Docebo & Antonio Macaluso Phd Università di Bologna.

Titolo: Towards Quantum Machine Learning

Abstract: Machine Learning (ML) gained a lot of momentum in the last ten years, mostly thanks to the advancements in non-linear patterns discovery, and more specifically, in Deep Learning (DL). But those who think that DL is going to address all possible problems might be terribly wrong. DL and ML tasks, in general, are categorized as Non-Polynomial problems, which means that the number of possible solutions for a given problem can grow exponentially, making it intractable using the classical algorithmic approach. Here, Quantum Computing (QC) techniques have the potential to address these issues and help ML methods to solve problems faster and sometimes better than the classical counterpart. The conjunction of these two disciplines resulted in a new exciting research direction to explore: Quantum Machine Learning (QML).

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