
Meetup #AperiTech della Community di Deep Learning Italia
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Deep Learning Italia” Online Conference.

Si affronteranno temi legati esclusivamente alla progettazione e implementazione di Reti Neurali e il Deep Learning nell'Intelligenza Artificiale di oggi.

Il Meetup di DLI nasce dall'esigenza di sopperire alla carenza di meetup tecnici sul Deep Learning in Italia mentre ormai se ne contano molteplici in altre città del mondo come Londra, Amsterdam e San Francisco. Il Meetup sarà orientato sia alla ricerca accademica e che al mondo delle startup.

Patrick von Platen at Research Engineer at Hugging Face

Patrick von Platen is a research engineer at Hugging Face and one of the core maintainers of Transformers.
He specializes in encoder-decoder models and long-range sequence modeling.
Before joining Hugging Face, Patrick conducted research in speech recognition at Uber AI, Cambridge University, and RWTH Aachen University.

Title of Talk:
Transformer Sequence-to-Sequence Models - Concepts, Trends & Limitations

RNNs were the first end-to-end neural networks to effectively solve sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) tasks.
Since 2017, Transformer-based models have largely replaced RNNs and now have now become the de-facto
standard architecture for seq2seq tasks in NLP. In this talk, we will outline the advantages Transformer-based
models have over RNNs, present current research trends, and explain their limitations. Current research trends of transformer-based
seq2seq models, we cover include pretraining (e.g. T5, Bart), long-range sequence modeling (e.g. BigBird, Longformer), and warm-starting.

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