
Meetup #AperiTech della Community di Deep Learning Italia
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Deep Learning Italia” Online Conference.

Si affronteranno temi legati esclusivamente alla progettazione e implementazione di Reti Neurali e il Deep Learning nell'Intelligenza Artificiale di oggi.

Il Meetup di DLI nasce dall'esigenza di sopperire alla carenza di meetup tecnici sul Deep Learning in Italia mentre ormai se ne contano molteplici in altre città del mondo come Londra, Amsterdam e San Francisco. Il Meetup sarà orientato sia alla ricerca accademica e che al mondo delle startup.

Carlo Metta Research fellow at CNR & Deep Learning Italia Instructor

Title: Explanation methods for Artificial Intelligence models

Abstract: In recent years, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning models have shown outstanding performances in many tasks, from image processing to natural language processing. Along with research progress, they are rapidly intruding on many different fields and disciplines. Some of them require high level of accountability and thus transparency, for example automotive and medical sector. Explanations for machine decisions and predictions are thus needed to justify their reliability. Above all, this requires explainability and interpretability, which often means we need to understand the mechanism underlying the algorithms. Unfortunately, the black box nature of machine learning is still opaque, and many machine decisions are still poorly understood by humans. As a result, scientific interest in the field of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) has been tremendously revived over recent years. This field focuses on machine learning explainability and interpretability methods.
In this talk we start by introducing XAI paradigm and point of view, we then move to review the state of the art explanation methods and techniques and finally show some recent application.

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