
Meetup #AperiTech della Community di Deep Learning Italia
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Deep Learning Italia” Online Conference.

Si affronteranno temi legati esclusivamente alla progettazione e implementazione di Reti Neurali e il Deep Learning nell'Intelligenza Artificiale di oggi.

Il Meetup di DLI nasce dall'esigenza di sopperire alla carenza di meetup tecnici sul Deep Learning in Italia mentre ormai se ne contano molteplici in altre città del mondo come Londra, Amsterdam e San Francisco. Il Meetup sarà orientato sia alla ricerca accademica e che al mondo delle startup.

Thomas Scialom is a partner of the startup reciTAL

Title: Natural Language Generation: beyond the current paradigms

Thomas Scialom is a partner of the startup reciTAL (TAL means NLP in french), back to school, as a Ph.D. student at LIP6 - Sorbonne Université. His research is focused on natural language generation.

Recent advances in the field of natural language generation are undoubtedly impressive. Yet, little has changed from training and inference to evaluation. Models are learned with Teacher Forcing, inferred via Beam Search, and evaluated with BLEU or ROUGE. However, these algorithms suffer from many well-known limitations. How can these limitations be overcome? In this talk, we will present recently proposed methods that could be part of the solution, paving the way for a better NLG.

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