
Meetup #AperiTech della Community di GraphRM


  • 18:30 - Presentazione GraphRM
  • 18:45 - "Applying Graph Machine Learning to Enterprise Business Problems" - Jeff Fischer - Fujitsu Laboratories, Wing Au - Fujitsu Laboratories
  • 19:20 - "It’s the data, stupid: state-driven application design for graph visualization" - Kevin Naughten, Cambridge Intelligence
  • 19:50 - Q&A
  • 20:15 - Chiusura Webinar

"Applying Graph Machine Learning to Enterprise Business Problems"

Fujitsu’s research labs have worked on graph-based Machine Learning from both a theoretical and an applications perspective. In this talk, we’ll describe Fujitsu’s Deep Tensor technology for graph ML and highlight our experiences with applying graph-ML to business problems.


Jeff Fischer - Fujitsu Laboratories
Wing Au - Fujitsu Laboratories

"It’s the data, stupid: state-driven application design for graph visualization"

Adding additional nodes to a crowded graph visualization is a complicated problem for the application developer. Where should they be placed, which bits are actually new, and what should you do with to the data that was already on the screen? What happens when an analyst asks to filter out all of the terrorists associated with ISIS, or a scientist needs to see all of the compounds that inhibit BRAF but not MEK, and who decides?
This talk will show how state-driven graph visualization can help software decisions to get out of the way so that both developers and analysts focus on the data.


Kevin Naughten - Cambridge Intelligence

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    #AperiTech è un'iniziativa di Codemotion in collaborazione con LVenture Group e LUISS EnLabs