

  • 19:00 - Inizio Meetup
  • 19:15 - Presentazione GraphRM (inizio streaming)
  • 19:20 - "Practical difficulties and applications of GNNs" - Filippo Minutella - AI Engineer + Valerio Piccioni - AI Engineer @ LARUS
  • 20:00 - Q&A
  • 20:15 - Chiusura streaming Meetup

Practical difficulties and applications of GNNs

Using neural networks on graphs is not an easy task and there are many difficulties in using them in real-world scenarios. The first thing to think about is how NNs can ingest a graph as input. In a second step, we will see how the message passing framework can help us and we’ll apply it to homogeneous and heterogeneous graphs. Eventually, we will show GNN applied to giant graphs pointing out all the difficulties.

Talk in Italiano.


Filippo Minutella - AI Engineer @ LARUS
Valerio Piccioni - AI Engineer @ LARUS

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