
Pronto a fare la differenza? Inauguriamo la nostra community green con un meetup che ci porterà subito nello spirito della community con due talk

Protecting the environment as a coder
Mauro Constantinescu - Freelance full-stack web developer

The community of software developers has been leading a lot of changes: the internet anarchy model, agile project management, remote working and digital nomadism, flexible working hours, attention to the emotional state of people. There is not a lot of sensibility about the environment though, and yet we could make a big difference by following a couple of simple rules.

Sustainability and Efficiency: environmentally-friendly software development with kube-green
Davide Bianchi Senior Technical Lead at Mia-Platform

In this talk we will try to take a journey together to discover how the software industry can improve in creating more sustainable software. We've already made it with kube-green, an open source Kubernetes controller designed to reduce the carbon footprint of Cloud Native applications. But there is much more we can do.

Lessons learned from the implementation and use of kube-green will be presented, emphasizing the importance of proactivity and strategic use of tools to maximize environmental benefits. The 'green' mentality that the software industry must adopt will then be explored, bringing changes not only to the code but also to methodologies and approaches in order to enhance the tools at our disposal.

The session will conclude with a reflection on the future for software sustainability, with an emphasis on a future where every bit of code and every decision made in the software development lifecycle contributes to a healthier planet.

Benefit of the ecosystem:
In this presentation, I will show you kube-green and how to use this Kubernetes controller. This can be used to reduce, without much effort, the amount of resources wasted every single day during the software development lifecycle, and measure it.
We will also see some real life use cases and how it’s possible to use kube-green to reduce the production of CO2 and also to save money.
Moreover, I will talk about some best practices for building green software.