
InnoIT Consulting is delighted to invite you to our meetup with Python Barcelona (PyBCN) next Thursday, May 23rd at 18:30h.


The speaker will be Paula Osés (AI Engineer at IAG GBS) and David Masip (Data Science Manager at Glovo).

Using OpenCV in AI: Practical Image Processing in Python (by Paula Osés)

This talk focuses on the practical use of OpenCV in the field of artificial intelligence, particularly for Python users. The session will cover the essentials of OpenCV, including basic image operations and advanced preprocessing techniques vital for preparing data for AI models. As an AI Engineer I have used the OpenCV library since my years at university, I have prepared lots of datasets for AI models using this library as well as explored its capabilities in terms of Computer Vision models.

Cluster-experiments, a simulation library to design AB tests (by David Masip)

Cluster-experiments is an open-source library that is used at Glovo to design AB tests (assess experiment length, AA tests, etc). We use a simulation approach which can accommodate different types of tests, being more general than what more popular libraries provide.

With time for a dynamic Q&A session and, of course, our networking with food and drink.

👥 Do you want to come along? Share this invitation with all your contacts, or click on the "share" button below.