
InnoIT Consulting is delighted to invite you to our meetup with
Cloud Native Barcelona next Wednesday, 18th September at 18:30h.


The speaker will be Lino Urdiales (Software Engineer at Grafana Labs) and Dimitris Kapanidis (Consultant on cloud-native solutions).

🎙️ The principle of the least privilege (by Lino Urdiales)

Less is more when assigning user permissions. Learn how the least privilege principle can be applied when designing security in an organization.

🎙️ The rise of arm64: transitioning to a multi-arch cloud-native architecture (by Dimitris Kapanidis)

Everyone is looking to switch to arm64 lately and your cloud instances should not be left behind. I will talk about my experience on transitioning from x86 to arm64 architecture our Postgres instances running on Kubernetes, covering the reasons for latest trend, and do a quick demo how to build multi-arch container images locally, perform CI with GitHub Actions and deploy on a hybrid-arch Kubernetes cluster.

With time for a dynamic Q&A session and, of course, our networking with food 🍕 and drink 🍻.

👥 Do you want to come along? Share this invitation with all your contacts, or click on the "share" button below.