
Abstract dell'intervento:
In this talk, you will learn how to use Quarkus, a reactive framework, to interact with different messaging technologies using Smallrye Reactive Messaging, a simple and declarative API. You will also discover how to write reactive code in a fluent and expressive way using Mutiny, an event-driven reactive programming library. You will see how to create reactive pipelines to consume, transform, and produce messages, without having to deal with the complexity of Java concurrency. You will also learn how to handle failures gracefully and to orchestrate asynchronous actions. You will be amazed by how easy it is to process tons of data in a surprisingly simple way with Quarkus, Smallrye Reactive Messaging, and Mutiny.

A cura di Vincenzo D'Amore:
Vincenzo D'Amore is long time OSS contributor, polyglot ninja developer, relevance engineer, Stackoverflow proud user, husband and father of 2. He is currently Tech Leader Innovation Platform for EssilorLuxottica
[ANNOUNCE] JUG Milano Meeting #153 - Quarkus Reactive Messaging with Mutiny: A Simple and Scalable Approach to Data Processing

Ciao a tutti,

Siamo lieti di annunciare che un nuovo incontro del JUG Milano si terrà in modalità ibrida, Giovedì 21 Marzo 2024.

La partecipazione in presenza è gratuita e libera, ma è OBBLIGATORIA la registrazione su:
form di registrazione per partecipare a JUG Milano in presenza

Prevediamo di effettuare la diretta streaming su YouTube (con VOD a seguire) dell'evento.

Questo il programma:
h 18:45 - JUG news e attività in corso
h 19:00 - "Quarkus Reactive Messaging with Mutiny: A Simple and Scalable Approach to Data Processing", a cura di Vincenzo D'Amore
h ~20:30 - Chiusura lavori, varie ed eventuali

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  • JUG Milano staff