
Torniamo dal vivo per parlare di Intelligenze Artificiali che creano immagini!

================ TALK ===================

Creative use of AI in photography
Panoramica sui principali software di arte generativa , incentrando l'attenzione sulle loro peculiarità e utilizzo creativo.
by Carlo Diamanti
Carlo Diamanti was born in Rome on 30-08-1975.
He lived his childhood and adolescence in S.Oreste.
Since he was a child, fed by his father’s passion (portrait painter and landscape painter), he developed strong artistic skills, dedicating himself to painting and charcoal portrait.
He moved to Rome at the age of 23, he worked in the television sector as a video editor and later as post production manager at the major companies in the sector (Einstein Multimedia group etc.)
In these years he never tired of learning and opening up to new experiences he also dedicated himself to 3D modeling and rendering.
From 2012 to today he has undertaken videomaker activities as a freelancer together with his former colleague.
In recent years he has also been passionate about photography in which he is transferring his cinematographic knowledge to create his own style.
From 2018 he has obtained several awards in international competitions, ranking among the winners (bronze) in competitions such as MIFA, TIFA, PIX3, Trierenberg super circuit(gold)

================ MINITALK ===================

Gli organizzatori del meetup presentano un progetto open source della community per realizzare un assistente vocale per creare immagini (via Stable Diffusion)

================ APERITIVO ==================

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Meetup #AperiTech della Community di Vox Machina - AI!
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    #AperiTech è un'iniziativa di Codemotion in collaborazione con LVenture Group e Binario F